How Consumer Protection Laws Affect Businesses

A woman in a store dressed in a winter coat with a scarf looking at items on a shelf

A myriad of federal and state laws have been enacted to protect consumers from unfair, deceptive or fraudulent practices by businesses. Businesses that violate these laws may be subject to lawsuits or financial penalties. Thus, business owners must know which laws apply to their company and what they must do to comply with them.

Federal Consumer Protection Laws

Many federal consumer protection laws were created to promote fair trade or product safety. Federal fair trade laws are enforced by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) while federal product safety laws are administered by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC).

Fair Trade Laws

The Federal Trade Commission was created to promote competition and to protect consumers from unfair, deceptive or fraudulent practices in the marketplace. The FTC develops policy, conducts investigations, and sues companies that violate the law.


The FTC responds to complaints filed by businesses and consumers regarding unfair, deceptive or fraudulent business practices.

Federal law prohibits advertising that is untruthful or misleads consumers. Here are some examples of acts that violate federal trade laws.

The FTC investigates complaints of trade law violations. If it determines a law has been broken, it may issue a consent order asking the violator to voluntarily stop the unlawful behavior. If the company refuses, the FTC may request a formal proceeding before an administrative law judge. If a judge agrees a law has been broken, he or she may issue a cease and desist order. A business that violates an FTC order may be subject to a penalty or served with an injunction.

Product Safety Laws

Manufacturers of products sold to the public must follow rules and regulations created by the Consumer Product Safety Commission. The CPSC regulates all consumer products except those (such as guns and drugs) that are overseen by another agency. It establishes product safety requirements, issues recalls, evaluates product hazards, and bans products it deems dangerous.

If the CPSC determines a particular product poses a danger to the public, it sends a letter to the manufacturer explaining the violation and the corrective action required. The manufacturer may be required to notify the public of the danger, fix the product hazard, stop selling the product, recall the product, or any combination of these.


The CPSC has created a Small Business Ombudsman to help small business owners understand which safety regulations apply to them.

State Consumer Protection Laws

Virtually all states have enacted laws that prohibit unfair and deceptive practices by businesses against consumers. These statutes, called UDAP laws, are enforced by state attorneys general. An example of an UDAP law is an Unfair Claims Settlement Practices Act, which requires insurers to follow certain procedures when settling claims.

Many UPAD laws allow consumers to sue a business if they have purchased, leased or rented goods or services from that business and been injured due to an unfair or deceptive practice. Claimants may sue the business for compensatory damages and attorneys fees. A state-by-state summary of UDAP laws is available at the National Consumer Law Center's website.

Examples of Acts That Violate UDAP Acts

Here are examples of acts committed by businesses that may violate state UDAP acts.

Product Warranties

Most businesses that make products offer a warranty, which is a promise to buyers. A warranty explains what the manufacturer will do if the product is faulty. Warranties may be express (written or oral) or implied. Federal law governs written warranties while state laws govern implied warranties.

Written Warranties

Federal law doesn't require manufacturers to provide a written warranty but if they choose to provide one, it must meet federal requirements. For instance, the warranty must clearly explain its scope (full or limited), be easy to understand, and be readily available when the product is purchased. Consumers may sue businesses that issue false or misleading warranties or that fail to fulfill their obligations under a warranty.

Implied Warranties

When a manufacturer sells a product to a consumer, it generally provides two implied warranties:

A manufacturer may be sued by a product buyer for breach of an implied warranty. Many states impose a relatively short (four-year) statute of limitations on lawsuits based on breach of an express or implied warranty.