Operation Jump Start in Immigration Issues: Pros and Cons Case Study

Operation Jump Start is the operation that ensures the security of the U.S. – Mexico border. This military operation came to execution in May 2006. It was targeted at the decrease in the number of immigrants that get in the country illegally. The chief of the National Guard Bureau claimed that according to the requirements, the National Guard will send more than 2000 groups along the border (Smith 1).

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The Operation Jump Start was undertaken by the initiative of the U.S. President George Bush. It occurred to be one of the steps he was going to make regarding the immigration reform plan approved by the U.S. Senate. It is claimed that the troops’ task was not to catch and arrest immigrants who entered the country illegally but to support the border patrols and secure the U.S. (“Troops start Mexico border duty” par. 4). Thus, the operation is to help U.S. Customs and Border Patrol to maintain their responsibility for “securing the borders of the United States, preventing terrorists and their weapons from entering the United States, and enforcing hundreds of U.S. trade and immigration laws” (Mason 1).

Posse Comitatus Act restricts the military involvement; it forbids utilizing the Armed Forces to perform domestic laws. The only exception is when they are authorized. The memorandum of agreement was maintained to ensure that the National Guard “will not participate in ‘overt’ law enforcement” (Smith 2). Title 32 of the U.S. Code provides the funding regarding the activities conducted under the Operation Jump Start to secure the country and define the range of duties (Mason 6). Thus, these documents define and control the actions of the National Guard.

Criteria for Defense Support of Civilian Authorities are reflected

There are several criteria for Defense Support of Civilian Authorities and the Governor, in particular. They deal with the relations between the Supported State and the Supporting one. First of all, “the Governor of the Supporting State will retain, for administrative purposes, command and control of Supporting State forces” (“Memorandum of Agreement” 1). Secondly, the costs spent on the defense will not be reimbursed. The army of the Supporting State will act according to the Title 32 of the U.S. Code.

They agree that “the terms and conditions of the Emergency Management Assistance Compact, P.L. 104-321 (1996), are incorporated herein by reference except those that relate to liability, emergency declaration, and reimbursement” (“Memorandum of agreement” 1). They also are to support the idea that “a necessary precondition to the deployment of National Guard forces and the disbursement of Operation Jump Start funds to a Supported State is the agreement of the Governor of the Supported State to use such forces and funds solely for missions that are requested by, coordinated with, and undertaken in support of, USCBP, and that are consistent with USCBP’s concept of operations” (“Memorandum of Agreement” 2). It is obligatory that such missions are approved by the civil authority before maintaining. The representatives of the National Guard can be involved in the activities conducted under Operation Jump Start only when they are endorsed by the Secretary of Defense. The tasks presented by civilian law enforcement are managed by the National Guard.

The benefits of this operation to the Guard and the country

It is important that according to the Operation Jump Start, the soldiers from National Guard are not made to enter the troops that secure the border. The governor of the state of Washington claimed that in her state they will be sent only if they came up to such decision (“Troops Start Mexico Border Duty” par. 8). The absence of pressure and the ability to choose what to do makes this position more attractive. Those who are already working feel this freedom and are likely to make a choice of their position. Doing the things they like, they show better performance. On the same basis, more young Americans will decide to choose this profession.

At the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, the President said that the soldiers will have significant training. It means that the country will be better protected. If some problems occur at the borders, no time will be wasted for waiting for the cavalry. There will be enough troops to solve the issue or at least to withstand until it comes. The Border of Patrol will benefit as it gains assistance in supervision and construction of the barriers. Moreover, training is enhanced and streamlined (“Civil Support” III-5). As the states agreed to support each other, they will be better protected and less likely to face some issues connected with illegal immigrants and wrongdoings conducted by them.

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Negative implications of this operation

Even though Operation Jump Start is said to reduce the number of illegal immigrants and secure the borders, it fails to maintain this actions sufficiently. About 750 thousand aliens still enter the country through the southern border, which is not a success. This problem has nothing to do with the professionals; it deals with the operation itself. The aim of the Operation Jump Start “was not designed to secure the border; it was designed to create the political illusion that the Administration was moving to secure the border” (Jestone par. 9). “An average posting of 18 personnel per mile would virtually end illegal immigration across our southern border”, Norwood claims. But the Governors do not provide needed funding, which does not allow the troops extend along the whole border. Thus, if no changes are made in future, the immigrants will enter the country, and there will be no sense in this operation. It will only waste the money of taxpayers, and cause complaints.

Works Cited

Civil Support 2007. PDF file. Web.

Jestone 2007, “Operation Jump Start: Failure by Design”. Human Events. Web.

Mason, Chuck 2013, Securing America’s Borders: The Role of the Military. PDF file. Web.

Memorandum of Agreement. n.d. Web.

Smith, Steven 2010, “’Operation Jump Start’ Puts 2,500 Guardsmen on Southern Border in June”. U.S. Department of Defense. Web.

Troops Start Mexico Border Duty. 2006. Web.